Top (Best) 10 Cydia Sources of 2013

Hi guys! If you have an iPhone or an iPad then you must know what is jailbreaking. Today, Android and iOS devices are having very strong competition. I have android device(s) but i still like iPhone because they have premium applications and the UI which is amazing to use. If you do not know what is jailbreaking i will tell you a short note here- Jailbreak Means to unlock iPhone/iPad's system partitions so user can delete, add, copy files in it and install some really cool applications which are available for only jailbreaked users. You can also download applications from sites and install to iPhone/iPad by tools like i-funbox or simply by adding appsync Repository to your iPhone/iPhone/iPad. There is a very popular application for jailbreaked iPhone devices which is Cydia. Cydia allows users to install such repositories to your jailbreaked iPhone device without the use of computer! but Cydia cannot install applications from Cydia till you enter it sources! I am not owner of the world that saying that these are best but i have tried many sources and found these top 10 Cydia sources (repositories) I liked, So i am gonna show you Top 10 Cydia Sources (Repositories) today-

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